- FCT 2022-2024 (PTDC/BIA-EVL/4345/2021) HYBRIDOMICS: Can hybridization fuel adaptation and species response to environmental change? Genomics and proteomics of endemic Iberian freshwater fish.
- Human Fronstier Science Program 2020-2024 (RGY0081/2020) Chance or curse? The consequences of hybridization in a changing world
- PTDC/BIA-EVL/2398/2021): Deleterious and compensatory mutations and their role in evolutionary radiations.
- 2021.00238.CEECIND/CP1672/CT0002
- H2020-FETOPEN PURE Precisely Patterned Nanofibers for High Performance Bioseparations 899732 International 2020-10 2024-09 FCT NOVA Pure Project – Sustainable Bioseparations (pure-fetopen.eu) Coordinator
- FCT-MCTES Project Grants PROTEIOS PROTEIOS - Materiais proteicos para sensorização não invasiva PTDC/CTM-CTM/3389/2021 National 2022-01 2025-01 FCT NOVA
- H2020-ERC ENSURE ENSURE: Non-invasive follow-up of urinary tract cancers 101069405 International 2022-07 2023-12 FCT NOVA O
- PRR HfPT Health from Portugal C630926586-00465198 National 2022-09 2025-12 FCT NOVA
- Em busca de bacteriófagos para a bioconservação de alimentos e bebidas: uma nova abordagem para prevenir a deterioração por Alicyclobacillus spp. 2022.04043.PTDC
- FCT: ExtremeOceans - Unravelling evolutionary physiology landscapes of coastal marine fauna under extreme temperatures using a multi-layer Systems Biology approach, ref. PTDC/BIA-BMA/1494/2020
- FCT-DAAD: AQUATROPHYS - Marine molecular networks for sustainable fisheries and AQUAculture: modeling TROpical fish nutritional quality and PHYSiology under global change, ref. 2021.09718.CBM
- Biodiversa+: EASMO: Eastern Tropical Pacific reef fish on the move: biodiversity reorganisation and societal consequences (BiodivClim 452, BiodivClim/0001/2019)DANUBIUS Implementation Phase Project (DANUBIUS-IP). Grant agreement ID: 101079778. Horizon Europe. Funded under Research infrastructures. DOI: 10.3030/101079778.
- CONNECT - local Coastal monitoring service for Portugal. LNEC/MARE/FCUL/FCID. Mercartor Ocean International
- SALMONLINK – Contribution of scientists and fishermen for the conservation and participated management of Atlantic salmon populations in Portugal (MAR-01.03.02-FEAMP-0048). Funded by Programa Operacional MAR2020
- LIFE PREDATOR - PREvent, Detect and combAT the spread Of SiluRus glanis in south european lakes to protect biodiversity (LIFE21-NAT-IT-PREDATOR). Funded by LIFE Programme
- MeroSW - Ação de repovoamento dirigida ao mero-legítimo na costa sudoeste. Funded by VIRIDIA Foundation
- DiadSea - Transnational cooperation to improve the management and conservation of diadromous fish at sea (EAPA_0011/2022). Funded by Interreg Atlantic Area .
- CEEC2020 - Development of Biocatalysts for Industrial Applications: From plastic degradation to the pharmaceutical chemistry 2020.01423.CEECIND - Individual CEEC - Investigador Auxiliar Level (FCT) 2021-2027
- Brainplayback (EXPL/PSI-GER/0948/2021)
- Title: " The effect of dual HER2 blockade on anti-tumor immune cells" Collaboration between iBET and IPOFG, funded by iNOVA4Health and IPOLFG.
- BeONE (Building Integrative Tools for One Health Surveillance) project of the “One Health European Joint Program” funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 773830 (https://onehealthejp.eu/projects/foodborne-zoonoses/jrp-beone)
- TELE-Vir (https://onehealthejp.eu/projects/emerging-threats/jrp-tele-vir) project of the “One Health European Joint Program” funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 773830 (https://onehealthejp.eu/projects/emerging-threats/jrp-tele-vir)
- PathoGenSurveil project funded by national funds through FCT—Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., in the frame of Individual CEEC 2022.00851.CEECIND/CP1748/CT0001
- DURABLE - Delivering a Unified Research Alliance of Biomedical and public health Laboratories against Epidemics”(https://www.insa.min-saude.pt/category/projectos/durable; https://durableproject.org/). International project co-funded by the European Union on behalf of the EU4Health programme (“Project no. 101102733”)
- GENEO - Sustainable use and integration of enhanced infrastructure into routine genome-based surveillance and outbreak investigation activities in Portugal (https://www.insa.min-saude.pt/category/projectos/geneo/). Project co-funded by the European Union, on behalf of the EU4Health programme (EU4H-2022-DGA-MS-IBA-1) (“Grant/2021/PHF/23776”) (“Project no. 101113460”).
- CENTAUR - Creating and refining whole-genome and core-genome typing schemas for pathogen surveillance. International project co-funded by the European Union on behalf of the ISIDORe JRA programme (https://isidore-project.eu/) (“Project no. 101046133”).
- "824093 - STRONG-2020 ";"The strong interaction at the frontier of knowledge:fundamental research and applications"
- "CERN/FIS-INS/0013/2021";"Participation in the RD51 Collaboration at CERN"
- "CERN/FIS-TEC/0017/2021";"ImprovingPT: Optimization, construction and first in-beam tests of range monitoring and quality assurance systems for the improvement of proton therapy"
- "AI4EOSC";"Artificial Intelligence for the European Open Science Cloud"
- "DT-GEO";"A Digital Twin for GEOphysical extremes"
- "ESA: 4000137865/22/ES/JD";"Expert Suport to BERM & RADEM units"
- "CERN/FIS-PAR/0010/2021";"Collaboration in the ATLAS experiment at CERN"
- "CERN/FIS-COM/0018/2021";"Suporte para o tier-2 de ATLAS e CMS no contexto do WLCG MoU entre Portugal e o CERN"
- "CERN/FIS-PAR/0023/2021";"Multiquarks structure - Nuclear Physics and Strong Interaction Group"
- "CERN/FIS-PAR/0007/2021";"Colaboração na experiência AMS da estação espacial internacional para deteção de raios cósmicos de energia intermédia"
- "CERN/FIS-PAR/0012/2021";"AugerEnhance_Upgrade of the measuring capabilities of the Pierre Auger Observatory"
- "CERN/FIS-PAR/0035/2021";"PPatFCC_Participação Portuguesa no Futuro Colisionador Circular (FCC)"
- "CERN/FIS-PAR/0005/2021";"Collaboration in the operation and physics data analysis at the CMS experiment at CERN"
- "CERN/FIS-PAR/0014/2021";"DUNE - Calibration of ProtoDUNE-II at CERN"
- "CERN/FIS-PAR/0009/2021";"RENASCER_Estudos de reações nucleares para Astrofísica Nuclear na instalação ISOLDE do CERN"
- "CERN/FIS-INS/0028/2021";"LHC-SND_Participation in the SND@LHC experiment at CERN"
- "PTDC/FIS-PAR/4300/2020";"SWGO: the wide-field gamma-ray observatory at the Southern hemisphere"
- "PTDC/FIS-PAR/2679/2021";"Neutrinoless double beta decay search with the SNO+ experiment"
- "PTDC/FIS-PAR/1214/2021";"Precision timining with forward protons at the HL-LHC"
- "PTDC/FIS-MAC/2045/2021";"Excitações em materiais quânticos 2D/INL"
- YoctoLHC ";"Yoctosecond imaging of QCD collectivity using jet observables" (835105)
- "FARE";"Fake News and Real People – Using Big Data to Understand Human Behaviour" (853566)
- interTwin (ID:101058386)";"An interdisciplinary Digital Twin Engine for science"
- "iMagine";"Imaging data and services for aquatic science (Grant Agreement 101058625)"
- "FARE_AUDIT";"Fake News Recommendations - an Auditing System of Differential Tracking and Search Engine Results" (101100653)
- EuroCC 2";"National Competence Centres for High Performance Computing";"69902142"
- EXPL/EME-NUC/1311/2021";"DLight: New Plastic Scintillators for Future Light-based Detectors"
- RESETTING "Relaunching European Smart and sustainablE Tourism models Through digitalization and INnovative technoloGies". COSME PROGRAMME (EISMEA) UNDER GRANT AGREEMENT NO.101038190
- 2022.26279.CPCA.A0
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- 2022.15760.CPCA.A2
- 2022.15818.CPCA.A2
- 2022.15825.CPCA.A2
- 2021.09623.CPCA.A2
- 2021.435377.CPCA.A1
- 2021.00238.CEECIND/CP1672/CT0002
- C-SCALE - Copernicus - eoSC AnaLytics Engine. Horizon 2020. grant agreement No 101017529.
- EGI-ACE - EGI Advanced Computing for EOSC. Horizon 2020. grant agreement No. 101017567.
- GBIF - Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Infrastructure in the FCT roadmap.
- CoastNet - Portuguese Coastal Monitoring Network. Infrastructure in the FCT roadmap.
- biodata - distributed infrastructure for Life and Health data for Portugal. Infrastructure in the FCT roadmap.
- Polén - Polén Gestão de Dados de Investigação. Development of a research data repository for FCT.
- digitaltwin - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Informação, Tecnologias e Arquitetura (ISCTE)
- dynapor - Modelo de micro simulação dinâmica para Portugal (ICS U.Lisbon)
- fct-fccn - Hosting of services for FCT.
- filhosmadrugada - projeto filhos da madrugada (FCSH)
- iscte-bdata - data science in business administration (ISCTE)
- iscte-cdsi - conception and development of information systems (ISCTE)
- iscte-cognition - Behavior, Emotion & Cognition (ISCTE)
- iscte-ml - research in machine learning (ISCTE)
- iscte-pai - research in scholar administration (ISCTE)
- ispa-dm - data mining in psicology (ISPA)
- junitec - image processing (Junior Enterprise IST)
- lnec-resccue - Climate Change Resilience Assessment Framework for Urban Areas (LNEC)
- mdeos-isos - Model Driven Open Systems (ISEL)
- Parlamento - investigação em Ciência Política através da computação (Nova SBE)
- spbotanica - Lista Vermelha da Flora Vascular de Portugal Continental
- uab-esbert - Universidade Aberta
- uc-aesop - Autonomic Service Operation (ISEC)
- uc-graphy - Graphy project (ISEC)
- uc-stream - Data stream (ISEC)
- ustreamsim - Integrated Modelling in Urban Systems and Streamflow Simulation in Rivers (LNEC)
- EOSC-Future - Advancing European research through Open Science. Horizon 2020. Grant Agreement Number 101017536.