How to acknowledge the use of the INCD infrastructure
Architecture and technical information
Technical information about the INCD Stratus cloud computing service
Cloud Service
Book with links and materials with Cloud user manual, tutorials and training. Includes Virtualiz...
Compute Node Specs and Information
Compute nodes specs and hardware information for the Cirrus HPC and HTC clusters
Containers Tutorials
List of tutorials used in training for using containers for scientific applications and services
Customized resources
Customized resources and queues for specific research groups and organizations
Participation in dissemination events
EGI Repositories
Description about the EGI repositories
Filesystem User Guide
Filesystems and data organization in the Cirrus HPC and HTC clusters
Frequently Asked Questions
Common questions regarding INCD Users Portal usability.
Getting Started
Short user guide to request access to the INCD infrastructure
How to access
Guidance to access the INCD services
HPC tutorials
tutorials about HPC provide by INCD or other associated partners.
Digital infrastructures related materials.
Manage jobs
Submitting and managing jobs in the Cirrus HPC and HTC clusters
Official Reports
INCD official reports and related documents
Openstack users manual
User manuals and tutorials for Openstack
Organized events
List of events organized by INCD