Manage slurm jobs
How to handle jobs management using slurm batch system. Used at Minho and ISEC and Lisbon data center
Slurm's architecture Slurm is made of a slurmd daemon running on each compute node and a central...
Jobs information
List all current jobs for a user: squeue -u <username> List all running jobs for a user: ...
My first slurm job
Examples Submit a simple MPI job On this example we run a small MPI application doing the fo...
overview of the resources offered
sinfo : overview of the resources offered by the cluster By default, sinfo lists the available ...
show job accounting data
sacct: displays accounting data for all jobs and job steps in the Slurm job accounting log or Slu...
stop or cancel jobs
scancel : used to signal jobs or job steps that are under the control of Slurm The command scan...
Show jobs information in queue
squeue: view information about jobs located in the Slurm scheduling queue. gqueue: squeue alias ...
How to run parallel job's with srun
srun : Used to submit/initiate job or job step Typically, srun is invoked from a SLURM job scr...
Preparing the Environment
There are lots of litte tweaks we need in order to prepate the environment for running specific s...
Interactive Sessions
Slurm allow interactive sessions into the workernodes, using ssh, but within a valid job allocati...
Job pipeline using slurm dependencies
Some times we need to launch a list of jobs that execute in sequence, one after another. In thos...
Use of user QOS for CPU jobs
In order to use QOS you will to have an assigned user QOS. In the following example the user will...