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Lustre Basics
The latest Lustre documentation is available at Lustre
Lustre best practices
Distributed filesystems such as Lustre are ideal for HPC and HTC environments. In these environments the typical workload consists of large files that have to be accessed from many compute nodes with very high bandwidth and/or low latency. Therefore these file...
How to connect to the HPC and HTC clusters
public login services Access to the INCD clusters is only available to registered users. To use the HPC services users need to login via SSH into a front-end server. The login servers can be customized according to the user requirements (OS, Hardware resou...
Create a ssh key
Access to the INCD computing clusters is performed via SSH and requires the use of SSH keys for authentication. Authentication with passwords is not supported. Each SSH key pair has two components a public key that must be added to the hosts to be remotely acc...
Choose strong passwords - at least 9 characters long, a mixture of alphanumeric mixed case and symbol characters. The password should be completely different from the password you use on any other system. Never use the same password across different systems ...
Configuring SSH
In order to simplify SSH access to remote hosts we recommend INCD users to adopt the following recommendatios and configuration defaults. Enabling SSH agents and X11 forwarding Activate the forwarding of both SSH authentication credentials and X11 graphical ...
INCD is open to all academic and scientific researchers and institutions. In order to use our services please go to the INCD portal and follow the instructions there. For guidance and further information about the access conditions see the FAQ List warning P...
Login and network access
Access to INCD infrastructure is available only to registered users. Access to login machines may be filtered by IP address of origin. During the registration process you may be asked to provide your IP address in order to enable remote access. Access to virt...
My jobs need to run longer than the queues permit
At INCD the default max elapsed time for the queues is 72h. The values for all queues can be consulted here In case you cannot parallelize your job (split one single job into multiple parallel jobs) you can use job dependencies. In this case you creat...
To contact the INCD user support please send email to: helpdesk (at) For other institutional contacts see: contacts web page
Directories and filesystems
The INCD filesystems are based on the Lustre shared filesystem which is mounted in the compute nodes and in the submission/login nodes. Lustre is mostly suited to the storage of large/huge files. For more specific information regarding the Lustre deployment ...
Disk Quota Policy
To prevent storage misuse and problems resulting from filesystems becoming full, INCD has implemented the following data usage policies and limits. File system Hard Limit Exceeded /home Once quota or number of files exceeded, new files will not be all...
How to transfer files between INCD and a local machine
NOTE Please note that INCD Lustre storage is not designed for small files. Attempting to store or retrieve files less than a few megabytes will result in extremely poor performance for all users. If you wish to store lots of small files to massdata, please u...
How to access files belonging to someone else or another project
Users are allowed to change the default permissions file permissions in all folders they own. The default access rights to INCD filesystem is the folllowing: /home All files under /home are only accessible by the user. /data All files under /data/unixgr...
Who can apply to use the INCD infrastructure?
INCD is open to researchers from Portuguese scientific and academic organizations in all areas of knowledge.
Can researchers from foreign organizations apply to use the INCD infrastructure?
Researchers from foreign organizations can be eligible to use INCD when they cooperate with Portuguese researchers in common projects, initiatives and infrastructures. The initial application form must be submitted by a researcher from a Portuguese academic ...
How to apply to use the INCD infrastructure?
Please fill the “New request” form available at:
How much time will it take to get an answer and gain access?
Depends on the size and specificities of the request. If your project is approved and resources are available the process will take less than one week. Projects requiring fewer compute and storage resources are generally easier and faster to accommodate.
How to contact us?
You can contact us via e-mail to the INCD Computing Services helpdesk address in: INCD
Do I need to specify a research project?
Large requests should be backed by approved peer-reviewed research projects either national or European. Requests without a peer reviewed project will have lower priority, please fill the access request form with the maximum detail to facilitate the evaluati...