Directories and filesystems

The INCD filesystems are based on the Lustre shared filesystem which is mounted in the compute nodes and in the submission/login nodes. Lustre is mostly suited to the storage of large/huge files.

  • For more specific information regarding the Lustre deployment at INCD please see the lustre section


INCD-Lisbon cluster

Name[1] Purpose Availability Quota [2] TimeLimit [3] Backup
/home/unixgrp/user User default home always 20GB/user none no
/data/unixgrp Group data large data files [4]. always 100GB/group temporary (will be deleted after 6 months)[4] no
/exper-sw/unixgrp Install software for groups on request 20GB/group permanent no

ISEC-Coimbra cluster

Name[1] Purpose Availability Quota [2] TimeLimit [3] Backup
/home/ User default home always none no

INCD-Minho cluster

Name[1] Purpose Availability Quota [2] TimeLimit [3] Backup
/home/unixgrp/user User default home always 200GB/user none no
/scratch/unixgrp/user User working directory always 10TB/group none no

[1] Each user belongs to a Unix group: unixgrp - determined by the project they are attached to
[2] Increases to these quotas will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
[3] Time limit defines time after which a file is erased on the file system since its most recent access time, as defined by the file access timestamp.
[4] This folder has read+write permission to all users belong same group

NOTE: To know your unix group id type the command: id



  • Intended to be used for source code, executables and immutable data (input files etc), NOT large data sets.
  • Globally accessible from all nodes within a system.
  • Quotas apply. Please read our Disk Quota Policy To know your actual quota limit:
lfs quota -uh username /home/unixgrp/username

Disk quotas for usr username (uid XXXXXX):
     Filesystem           used   quota  limit grace  files   quota   limit   grace
  /home/unixgrp/username  11.6G  20G   20G     -      1395    10400  10400    -

NOTE: if your used >=quota users are not allowed to write


  • Each project has a directory with pathname /data/unixgrp on each compute node. Users connected to the project have rwx permissions in that directory and so may create their own files in those areas.
  • Globally accessible from all nodes within a system.
  • Quotas apply. Please read our Disk Quota Policy To know your actual quota limite:
lfs quota -uh username /data/unixgrp

Disk quotas for usr username (uid XXXXXX):
     Filesystem    used   quota  limit   grace   files    quota    limit   grace
  /data/unixgrp/  219.6G  300G   300G     -      81395    1102400  102400    -

NOTE: There are also limits on the number of files (files) that can be owned by a group (project) on /data.


  • Intended to be used for software, shared by group
  • Globally accessible from all nodes within a system.
  • Permissions to use based on request