Add new product to an existing distribution
Ways to add a new product to an existing distribution (Work in progress)
dir structure:
/var/www/be/ data/ (The latest json data for the FE) ├── config.js ├── distributions/ │ ├── CMD-ONE │ │ ├── 0.0.0.json │ │ └── ... │ ├── CMD-OS │ │ ├── 0.0.0.json │ │ └── ... │ ├── UMD │ │ ├── 1.0.0.json │ │ └── ... ├── products/ │ ├── CMD-ONE │ │ ├── 0.0.0/ │ │ │ └── productname.json │ │ │ └── ... │ ├── CMD-OS │ │ ├── 0.0.0/ │ │ │ └── productname.json │ │ │ └── ... │ ├── UMD │ │ ├── 1.0.0/ │ │ │ └── productname.json │ │ │ └── ... ├── software-catalog.json (Complete list of products) ├── software-distributions.json (Complete list of distributions) │ templates/ (All the templates needed to convert yaml to json or using json directly) ├── product.yaml ├── distribution.yaml ├── product.json └── distribution.json
For both approaches the first step is always convert/prepare the release.json
cd /var/www/be
Copy the template:
cp SW/templates/product.yaml ./release.yaml
Convert the yaml to json:
yaml2json release.yaml (this will create a release.json file in the same dir)
Now we have a json file:
be$ release.json
1st approach - using the Database (DB)
Add the data manually to the DB:
- Product
- Distribution product data
Examples:cat create_table.sql |sqlite3 db/egi-repos-fe-test.db
sqlite3 db/egi-repos-fe-test.db ".read insert_data.sql"
sqlite3 db/egi-repos-fe-test.db "select MAX(f1) from tbl2;" ".exit" sqlite3 db/egi-repos-fe-test.db "INSERT INTO tbl2 ('f1','f2','f3') VALUES('001','teste','ttttt');" ".exit"
INSERT INTO "main"."products" ("id", "name", "productName", "version", "majorVersion", "minorVersion", "revisionVersion", "distributionType", "distributionVersion", "description", "currentState", "contact", "technicalContact", "repositoryURL", "technologyProvider", "technologyProviderShortName", "releaseDate", "lastUpdated", "releaseNotes", "knownIssues", "changeLog", "additionalDetails", "installationNotes", "keywords", "apicallback", "documentationLinks", "capabilities", "capability", "targets", "softwareConfigurationLink") VALUES ('958', 'cesnet.rocci-server', 'rocci-server', '2.0.4', '2', '0', '4', 'CMD-ONE', '1.1.0', 'OCCI (the Open Cloud Computing Interface) is a standard defined by the Open Grid Forum, specifying a protocol and API to perform various remote management tasks in clouds. The rOCCI-server extends cloud managers, which are not OCCI-compliant natively, with its own OCCI interface. It is based on the rOCCI (Ruby OCCI) Framework. ', 'deployed', '', '', 'sw/production/cmd-one/1', 'CESNET', 'CESNET', '2018-11-12 12:34:40', '2018-11-12 12:34:40', '', '', 'N/A', '', '', '[]', '', '{"documentationLink":{"link":"https:\/\/\/wiki\/MAN10#EGI_Virtual_Machine_Management","type":"other"}}', '{"capability":{"value":"Client Tools","fullsupport":"yes"}}', '', '{"target":{"platform":"centos7","arch":"x86_64","repositoryURL":"sw\/production\/cmd-one\/1\/centos7\/x86_64\/updates","isnew":"no","ishidden":"no","displayVersion":"","apicallback":"http:\/\/\/api\/report\/release\/xml?id=13797"}}', '');
Export/prepare all the data from DB (replacing the data in data/*)
php export-distributions.php
php export-distributions.php --individual-distributions
php export-products.php
php export-products.php --individual-products
2nd approach - add the data manually to the json files
Manually add product
cp release.json data/ cp release.json data/products/distribution-type/distribution-version/$productname(change this).json
add product data (to the products list in distribution):
data/distributions/distribution-type/$distribution-version.json (products[] array)
ex. of product item:
{ "productId": 32, "name": "emi.apel", "version": "3.2.7", "capabilities": ["Accounting"], "status": 1 }
add product full data (to the software catalog):
data/software-catalog.json (item[] array)
, { "name": "", "version": "1.2.1", "documentationLinks": [], "target": [ { "platform": "centos7", "arch": "x86_64", "repositoryURL": "sw\\/production\\/cmd-one\\/1\\/centos7\\/x86_64\\/updates", "gpgkey": "", "rpms": [], "status": 1 } ], "capabilities": ["Client Tools"], "currentState": "deployed", "technologyProvider": "BDII", "contact": "email of contact", "technicalContact": "email of contact", "description": "text description...", "releaseDate": "2018-11-12 12:34:40", "majorVersion": 1, "minorVersion": 2, "revisionVersion": 1, "releaseNotes": "", "changeLog": "Same version as in SL6\n", "repositoryURL": "sw/production/cmd-one/1", "distributionType": "CMD-ONE", "distributionVersion": "1.1.0", "softwareConfigurationLink": "" }