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Add new distribution

Ways to add a new distribution

cd /var/www/be

Create distribution folder:

mkdir data/distributions/%distribution-name%

Use/Copy the template:

cp SW/templates/distribution.yaml  ./

Convert the yaml to json: (need to have node.js installed)

yaml2json distribution.yaml (this will create a distribution.json file in the same dir)

Now we have a json file:


Rename it to the distribution-name:

mv distribution.json %distribution-version%.json
mv %distribution-version%.json data/distributions/%distribution-name%/

1st approach - using the Database (DB)

Add the data manually to the DB:

  • Product
  • Distribution product data Commands...
    cat create_table.sql |sqlite3 db/egi-repos-fe-test.db
    sqlite3 db/egi-repos-fe-test.db ".read insert_data.sql"
    sqlite3 db/egi-repos-fe-test.db "select MAX(f1) from tbl2;" ".exit" sqlite3 db/egi-repos-fe-test.db "INSERT INTO tbl2 ('f1','f2','f3') VALUES('001','teste','ttttt');" ".exit"

INSERT INTO `distributions`(
            distributionType, distributionVersion, currentState,
            majorVersion, minorVersion, revisionVersion,
            releaseDate, created,
            lastUpdated, description,
            repositoryURL, releaseNotes,
            additionalDetails, installationNotes,
            contact, technicalContact,
            knownIssues, changeLog
VALUES ('','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','');

Export/prepare all the data from DB (replacing the data in data/*)


php export-distributions.php
php export-distributions.php --individual-distributions (Each distribution) php export-products.php
php export-products.php --individual-products (Each product)

2nd approach - add the data manually to the json files

Manually add productdistribution

cp release.json	data/  
cp release.json data/products/distribution-type/distribution-version/$productname(change this).json

add product data (to the products list in distribution):
data/distributions/distribution-type/$distribution-version.json (products[] array)
ex. of product item:

  "distributionType": "",
  "distributionVersion": "%version%0.0.0",
  "currentState": "deployed",
  "majorVersion": 0,
  "minorVersion": 0,
  "revisionVersion": 0,
  "releaseDate": "",
  "created": "",
  "lastUpdated": "",
  "description": "",
  "repositoryURL": "sw/production/%distribution-type%/%version-first-digit%0",
  "releaseNotes": "",
  "additionalDetails": "",
  "installationNotes": "",
  "contact": "",
  "technicalContact": "",
  "knownIssues": "",
  "changeLog": ""  

add distribution data (to the software distributions catalog):
data/software-distributions.json (item[] array)
ex. of distribution item: (DON'T FORGET TO ADD A COMMA , BEFORE THE BRACKETS)

  "distributionType": "",
  "distributionVersion": "%version%0.0.0",
  "currentState": "deployed",  
  "releaseDate": "",
  "description": "",
  "products": [ 
          "name": "product-name",
          "version": "0.0.0",
          "capabilities": ["Client Tools"],
          "status": 1