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How to connect to the HPC and HTC clusters

public login services

  • Access to the INCD clusters is only available to registered users.
  • To use the HPC services users need to login via SSH into a front-end server.
  • The login servers can be customized according to the user requirements (OS, Hardware resources, etc).
  • The login machines can be composed by a single server or multiple servers depending on the number of users.

INCD-Lisbon (Cirrus-A) HPC and HTC

  • Access to the INCD advanced computing facilities in Lisbon is performed via the following login servers.

Centos7 Login server

INCD-Minho (Cirrus-B) HPC and HTC

  • INCD in collaboration with the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) is exploring capacity from the BOB HPC machine in Minho. Access to the INCD advanced computing facilities in Minho is performed via the following login servers.

ISEC-Coimbra (Cirrus-C) HPC

  • INCD and ISEC have established a service agreement for the common collaboration and exploitation of the ISEC HPC cluster. Access to the ISEC-Coimbra HPC cluster is performed via the following login servers.