How do I transfer files between INCD and my local machine
NOTE Please note that INCD storage is not designed for small files. Attempting to store or retrieve files less than a few megabytes will result in extremely poor performance for all users. If you wish to store lots of small files to massdata, please use a utility such as tar to combine them into a single, larger file.
To transfer files from your local machine to INCD, we recommend to use rsync. With appropriate options, rsync is resumable allowing the transfer to continue in case of drop mid-transfer. The recommended command line to use on your local machine is:
rsync -avPS src dst
where src his the path of the files on your local machine and dst will be the path to your destination on the appropriate host.
For example:
//1. Transfer files from local machine to ui7-hpc:
rsync -avPS /home/myfiles
//where user is your INCD username, and unixgrp is the unix group identifying your project.
//2. Transfer files from INCD to your local machine:
rsync -avPS /home/mylocalfolder/
//where user is your INCD username, unixgrp is the unix group identifying your projec and /home/mylocalfolder/ it's a local machine folder.