Jornadas da Computação Científica 2019, Ponta Delgada – 6 e 8 de maio de 2019
IX Congresso sobre Planeamento e Gestão das Zonas Costeiras dos Países de Expressão Portuguesa, Instituto Superior Técnico | 14 a 16 de Maio de 2019
IX Congress on Planning and Management of Coastal Areas in Portuguese Speaking Countries – May 2019: The features and potentialities of the CoastNet geoportal were presented, for the first time.
Pavilhão do Conhecimento – September 2019: Celebrations of the 500th anniversary of Fernão de Magalhães circumnavigation.
Ciências Research Day – October 2019: Presentation for the FCUL students.
National Sea Day – November 2019: National History and Science Museum.